Sunday, July 7, 2013



On the campus of TDT University there is, except on the weekend, almost constant motion.  People moving, construction and students on motorbikes.  Even on the weekend there is one place where the work and the workers never stop twenty four hours a day and that is the construction zone of the new Sports Stadium complex that is set to be dedicated on July19th, just eleven days from now.  The complex has a beautiful stadium for football (soccer) and a large arena for indoor sports. The stadium is across the street from our dorm room, maybe 50 foot away, and we see the changes each day as it nears completion.

Leanna mentioned the swimming pool that is outside the door to our room, well we went swimming about two hours ago and loved it.  As people told us before we came here, HCMC is quite warm and the pool was a delight.

I don't know the numbers but from our observation walking by the construction every day I can tell you that there are many women construction workers busy on the site, more than we would observe in the U.S.

Construction is a theme in the District 7 where the campus is located.  A few days ago a new friend took us to lunch in the new neighborhood a little east and north of here and much construction was visible in that area.  In another post we will put a couple of skyline pictures of the area that illustrates the skyscrapers and other construction that is transforming the city.  At the south side of our dorm building there is a navigable channel/canal probably 100 foot wide and the other side is a jungle/forest and we have been told that where are building stands was the same way just four or five years ago.

Enough for now.

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