Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Steal from the Workers to give to the Rich


The Libertarian rich believe they got their wealth by their work while what has worked for them is taking the wealth produced by workers while paying the workers as little as possible: that is why they are anti-union, anti-social security, anti-medicare since if working people aren't kept at the bottom barely surviving they won't want to work and give the wealth to the wealthy. That is why it is called wage slavery -- you aren't a slave owned by a slave owner, rather you are forced to sell your work time, ability and skills to an employer, and the less the employer pays you the more he/she gets to keep. 
After the working people were well unionized in the 1970s and earned decent wages to support a living style that provided some dignity the Libertarians went on the warpath to force wages back down or keep them from rising even as production per worker rose, productivity increases, so that more of the wealth created went to the owners instead of being spread among the workers and their families to maintain the living style, it was a race to the bottom for the working people. 
The system even began bringing immense amounts of imports at low prices so they could close production here in the USA, which kept families stable for a while, but eventually closed down or lowered the wages of production here. It is not complicated: the rich just attempt to take everything on the table away and let us die or live without dignity. And then they get someone like Trump to stir racial and class divisions so that people look at the stress around them and attack each other instead of the wealthy. See, divide and conquer and the conqueror gets the goods and spirits them away in cash/wealth to Wall Street or where ever.  NOW THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IS FURTHER IMPOVERISHING THE WORKING PEOPLE WHILE THE RICH ARE MAKING BILLIONS MORE AND STASHING IT IN THEIR BANKS.

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